Monday, June 4, 2012

Getting to know mee

So, I struggled with the idea of starting a blog for a while now. My first thought was, Oooh that looks like fun, spending more hours on the computer looking at endless home, beauty, and personal blogs! ... then my second thought was, I bet you I'll end up with like 2 followers and not being able to figure the dang website out. But then when my soon to be sister-in-law got one and some other friends, I caved in on the idea. And here I am. So bare with me. :)

My name's Lauren, and i'm fifteen years old. Right now life's crazy with the high school life, my all honors class schedule, my brother's wedding is coming up, planning for the shower and dress rehearsal dinner, exams, and trying to loose a few pounds before the wedding. 

I find that regardless of what I do, I'm just a girl full of flaws stitched together with good intentions. I'm trusting God to shape me into the women He wants me to be! I am the artsy girl, never miss an opportunity to do some good old crafts. I'm obsessed with making my bedroom perfect. I live in South Jersey I would definitely call myself the girly girl. Love to paint my nails, and do hair and makeup. Anything I miss I'm sure you'll pick up on with the next couple posts :)

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